While a drawing pad can easily be placed in a travel bag, the artist's pens, pencils and other tools require a container. Cigar boxes work. I've been using a wooden Don Diego for over 25 years but it's never been ideal.
I've thought about getting a pencil roll and, when I finally got around to shopping for one I realized, in a flash of inspiration, that I could make my own with some materials that I've been holding onto for just such a reason.
Painting Canvas: 18" x 15 1/2", Linen Thread and a large sewing needle

The bottom is folded up 3", the top (to prevent everything from falling out in transit, like they did in version 1) is folded down 4" and this is enough room for the tallest pen.
The sides are measured and marked with pencil every 1/4" so the stitching will be consistent and look good.

The stitches on the top and bottom are every 1/2".
The pockets are every 1/4".
Each new thread starts and ends inside a seam so the knots are not seen.
Using a hole punch, add a hole on the left side. Stitch it so it doesn't fray and add a strap with a loop. A piece of leather or shoe lace work very well.

Put your stuff in the pockets and roll it up. Done.